Herausragend im gewerblichen Rechtsschutz
Die Bewertung der Kanzlei in den einschlägigen nationalen und internationalen Fachzeitschriften dokumentiert die hervorragende Fachkompetenz und den ausgezeichneten Ruf von Wildanger im gewerblichen Rechtsschutz.
Wildanger ist als führend empfohlen unter anderem in The European LEGAL 500 2017, JUVE Handbuch 2016/2017 und Chambers Global 2017.
JUVE Commercial Law Firms 2022/2023
Ranked top tier for patent litigation - This IP firm is a market leader for patent litigation in Germany and conducted a large number of SEP and FRAND suits in the mobile communications sector simultaneously, but is visible in a variety of sectors and technologies thanks to its broad set-up.
JUVE 2021

JUVE Commercial Law Firms 2021/2022
Ranked top tier for patent litigation - "this market-leading IP firm handled a multitude of SEP and FRAND suits at once. Its partners, who are renowned across the board, remain very active for SEP holders." "This works despite the partner-centric approach because of the close cooperation between senior partners and younger partners, such as Soenke Fock, Alexander Reetz and Jasper Meyer zu Riemsloh. By no means does every Düsseldorf IP boutique take such a cooperative approach." "Despite the predominance of SEP suits, Wildanger’s actual strength lies in its broad-based litigation activity in pharma, mobile communications, medical technology and mechanics patents."
Chambers Europe 2020
"Esteemed IP boutique with an excellent reputation for patent litigation. Represents both plaintiffs and defendants in domestic and international patent infringement and nullification proceedings. One interviewee describes the firm as a "very strong practice," praising its "good quality.""
JUVE Commercial Law Firms 2020/2021
Ranked top tier for patent litigation – “one of the most active and thus a leading litigation firm in Germany”, “Though SEP suits stand out, Wildanger’s actual strength lies in its broadly positioned and recently rejuvenated partnership. Litigation in pharma, mobile communications and mechanics patents accounts for relatively equal portions of activity.”
Legal 500 2020
“Wildanger Kehrwald Graf v Schwerin & Partner mbB is an indispensable part of Germany's patent infringement market. The Düsseldorf-based boutique offering is known for its expertise in standard-essential patents and offers technical versatility. Pharma and life sciences matters form just as much part of its service offering as telecoms, mechanical engineering and electronics instructions.”
IAM Legal 1000 2020
Recommended as a leading law firm for patent infringement with six partners recommended as leading individuals
JUVE Commercial Law Firms 2019/2020
Ranked top tier for patent litigation – “one of the most active litigation outfits in Düsseldorf, in part due to its unusual breadth. Wildanger conducts equal amounts of litigation in pharma, mobile communications and mechanics.”, “The firm was thus able to use its know-how in NPE suits to advantage in what is currently the most important area of patent litigation.”
JUVE Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien 2018/2019
Als führende Kanzlei für Patentverletzungsverfahren genannt – „eine der aktivsten Prozesseinheiten in D’dorf und hat im Vergleich zu ihren örtlichen Wettbewerbern viele marktpräsente Partner in ihren Reihen“, „großen Erfahrung in SEP-Klagen und mit FRAND-Themen“
IAM 1000 2017
“Wildanger Kehrwald & Graf von Schwerin & Partner is a “fantastic law firm” to which peers “wouldn’t hesitate sending work”. Its enforcement firepower is reflected in the inclusion of five of its litigators in this year’s guide.”
Marken- und Wettbewerbsrecht
JUVE Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien 2020/2021
„Mit ihrer gr. IP-Erfahrung überzeugt die Kanzlei Mandanten oft langfristig – für einen namh. Werkzeughersteller, der im Vorjahr neu als Mandant im Soft-IP hinzukam, ist das Team mittlerweile als ständiger Vertreter in Design- u. UWG-Streitigkeiten um Nachahmungen von Elektrowerkzeugen gesetzt.”
JUVE Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien 2018/2019
Die vor allem für Patentprozesse bekannte Kanzlei berät viele ihrer Mandanten auch im Marken- u. Wettbewerbsrecht u. wird hier ebenso für ihre Prozesserfahrung geschätzt.